Frank and Ingrid’s 70th Anniversary


It’s the first day of Spring and love is in the air! What a perfect time to share the story of our residents, Frank and Ingrid, who celebrated their 70th anniversary on January 20, 2023!

These two have a great sense of humour. When asked how they have stayed together all this time Frank answered, “I lost my hearing years ago!”

Ingrid and her family moved to Canada from East Pomerania, Germany, in 1951 when she was 19 years old. As fate would have it, her family worked a sugar beet contract for Frank’s family farm. They both admit that when they met it was “love at first sight.” Although they don’t have advice for a long-lasting marriage, Ingrid did say that “it is something you just have to figure out on your own.”

Frank retired from farming in 2002 and they moved to Lethbridge. Together they were blessed with three children and five grandchildren.

70th Anniversary Facts

  • Platinum symbolizes the 70th anniversary, because they are both rare.

  • 70 years is equal to 25,568 days or 840 months (between January 20, 1953 and January 20, 2023).

  • “Couples who make it to 70 years represent just one-tenth of one percent of all marriages. Couples who make it to 75 years are so rare, there aren't even statistics for it,” according to this website.

1953 Facts

  •  The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on June 2, 1953.

  • The double helix structure of DNA was first published in the scientific journal, Nature, April 1953.

  • Biggest film of the year was Peter Pan (Disney).

  • Most popular TV show was I love Lucy! (CBS).



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